Lindsey Porteous and Chick Magnum
Rick: Where are you from, Lindsey?
Lindsey: We lived in Dunstable until I was five. And then my Dad’s work took us to California and then we moved back here to Groton when I was 13. My Dad is a retirement planner. He does 401K.
Rick: Do you have any plans for college yet?
Lindsey: Yes. I made a verbal commitment to Oklahoma State’s Division One equestrian team. So I will be attending Oklahoma State in 2021.
Rick: How long have you been riding?
Lindsey: I started riding in California. I tried to ride here for a little bit, but they told me to come back when my legs grew longer. But they haven’t really grown much. I have been riding since I was six or seven. Yes, Western.
Rick: You do reining?
Lindsey: Yes, I do. I’ve been doing that for three years and before that I did cow work. I have two different horses at my house. I do rodeo and cow work for reining.
Rick: And your horse’s name?
Lindsey: His name’s Magnum. His registry name is Chick Magnum. He’s eight.
He is a registered quarter horse. He was born in California, actually only 20 minutes away from where we lived. I bought him just this past February. He had gone to Texas to be sold. A woman in Tennessee bought him. We went to a horse show in Florida and we bought him there and brought him to Massachusetts. So he’s had a long journey.
Rick: What was it about this horse that caused you to purchase him?
Lindsey: Well, my horse trainer tried him first. A woman came up to us and said, “I heard you were looking for a horse. She wasn’t planning on selling him, but my trainer got on her horse and said, I think you’re really gonna like this horse. And the minute that I got on him, I just noticed his neck. And how strong he was. I just knew that this was gonna be a horse that was going to be very powerful and that could take me to the next level in my training career.
Rick: Has he?
Lindsey: Yes! Yes! Next year, I’m probably going to try for Rookie of the Year. This year I’ve gone to our second show, which was just last weekend, we got my highest scores ever, and we won two of the classes that we entered out of three. So, he was really good.
Rick: Where do you want to be ten years from now?
Lindsey: I want to be a surgeon. So I hope that I will be on that path. But plans always change. But that’s where I am headed right now. I’m going to be a biology major in college. I hope to still be riding horses. I really want to start with young horses. I would like to have a nice Derby horse to compete in Oklahoma because all the big shows are in Oklahoma. So I’d really like to go there and compete. And honestly, in 10 years that would be great.
Rick: What does your horse do that makes you laugh out loud?
Lindsey: Well, whenever I go up to him and I have a popsicle, he’ll just start smiling for it and he’ll lift his leg up and almost beg like a dog. That just makes me crack up. And when you go into his stall, he’ll come over to you. And then he’ll go back to his hay, almost protecting it because he doesn’t want you to take his food away. Then if you lay a hand on him, he just totally warms right up to you. And that makes me just smile.