Kathy Mcafoose, Whisper and Adi
Rick Today is September 4th and we just photographed 2 horses belonging to Kathy Mcafoose. Your horses are?
Kathy A Belgian paint and a Dutch thoroughbred? We live in Danville, New Hampshire. And the horses are stabled in Chester, New Hampshire.
Rick How did you first get into riding?
Kathy When I was about three, I was kicked by a horse and ever since then I've loved them. My dad says he's tried kicking me once and I still don't like him. That's not really true.
Rick Have you had horses all this time?
Kathy No, I leased when I was younger. I bought Whisper when I was 20. She's my Belgian paint. I got her when she was five. And I don't recommend buying a horse when you're in college.
Rick How did you come by the Belgian?
Kathy My friends found her. I was looking for a horse and they came across her and that's how I got her. We just clicked. The owner said I was the first person to ride her without her swishing her tail. And ever since then I've been a mare person, I would much rather have a mare than a gelding. So now I have two mares.
When I was young, I rode whatever was available to me. But now that I've had my mares, I'll take a mare any day. I ride English, we did dressage with Whisper, my Belgian paint. We've done eventing, we've done dressage, and we've done fox hunting. Now we just trail ride and putts about having fun.
Adi, my Dutch thoroughbred, is my competition horse now and we do dressage.
Rick What do your horses do that makes you laugh?
Kathy When Whisper wants her belly scratched she'll park her self like a standardbred in the barn, making it clear that she wants her belly rubbed and scratched. She will push her butt over to you to say scratch my belly. Addy is just a big love. I got her because the other owner was afraid of her because she's so big. But she's just a sweetheart. If she could come home and sit on the couch with me, she would. She's just a big sweetheart while Whisper is my tomboy.
Rick What fun! Please, what did you think of the session?
Kathy It was good. A lot of moving parts with two horses dancing in circles.
Rick Thank you very much. And we will wrap this up as I see if your parents are getting ready for a few images with the dogs.